Sunday, July 10, 2011


Studio time is is close at hand!!!.... but until then..... heres 3 more tunes to check out! Keep in mind they are demos so they're a little rough around the edges! cheers!!!!
Bring Your Guns to Town 
The Birds
You Had a Good Run

1st show!!!!

Our first show was super fun for us and we hope for those who came out! We played some songs, made some new friends, saw some old friends, ate mexican food,  sipped whiskey, had shots, enjoyed beers & saw some great bands! Good times! Thanks to Matt for booking it! heres a few pics by our buddy andy!

Monday, January 31, 2011


 So it finally happened!! We have started doing rough demos of our first batch of songs in preparation for the studio!  Here is the first sample of our work, a little tune we call "medicine"!
 You can listen or download it here:

Hope you enjoy it!

Friday, January 14, 2011


The official Grand Opening of the Hurricane Gun Cave of Agonizing Despair (sound metal enough?) AKA Bo's band-room-in-a-box-in-a-garage is finally nearing completion!  It's a tight little cell, with carpeted walls (and soon-to-be-ceiling), a nicely latching door, power strip, invaluable A/C unit and a polar bear.  It is still a work in progress, as we need it to be sound-proof enough to be able to play late into the evening...right now it's good, but still leaking sweet sweet noise.  Soon it will be accessorized with shelving for the PA, racks, hooks for cords, drink holders, Christmas lights and all the other good stuff a band room generally collects, and then we can really get to work crafting our songs.  What's better than writing in an environment that screams DIY - a personal, intimate space for us to be rock stars a couple nights a week!